Tuesday, 7 December 2010

AWOL and Chocomint Cupcakes

I've been so busy with work and visiting Germany that Pixie Cupcakes has moved way down the priority list, but fear not, I am back and I am baking after the disaster that was halloween. Last week I ventured into the mystical realms of bread, the first time I'd ever made bread on my own in my life. It turned out a lot better than expected, even after I inadvertantly left the dough to rise for 12 hours in the airing cupboard... So today I'm baking a second loaf, fingers crossed that does just as well. The dough is busy rising at the moment.

I'm also starting my christmas baking today, Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes with Peppermint buttercream icing. I got the idea two or three years ago, from the food chain EAT. I was in London with the lovely Fleur, and we stopped there for lunch, and I had a cupcake of a similar description. I've been trying to recreate that cake ever since, but I think I might well be close go getting there now. The cakes are baking in the oven and I'm relaxing now, debating a festive drink of Port and Lemon, and contemplating how to make P&L into a cupcake... it'd taste so lush and fruity. Oh, I should make some peppermint creams too!

Halloween and bonfire night turned into a complete disaster. The original set of cakes for my order were a write off. One bad egg meant the whole batch was useless and as a baker I could not send out cakes that had any flaw in them. It would have been very unprofessional, so I threw them and started again. Next batch turned out great, and once delivered my client loved them and so did her kids. Order number three complete! Bonfire night never happened, my friend cancelled, and that meant no need for loads of food or anything, so all the plans I made were scrapped and we had spaghetti bolognese with bread. Nevermind, next year will be better.

Both are finished! Here they are: